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作家相片: Nail Bar HKNail Bar HK

全新Nail Bar太古店現已隆重開幕!以全新形象登場,店內舒適優雅的環境,為顧客帶嚟煥然一新嘅專業美甲及手足護理體驗。


太古店地址: 鰂魚涌太古城中心3樓304B號舖


WhatsApp查詢及預約:9672 1532

【Nail Bar Cityplaza Branch Grand Opening】

The new image of Nail Bar Cityplaza Branch has officially opened! The immaculate and elegant branch will bring you professional brand new manicure and pedicure experience.

We invite everyone to visit our new Cityplaza Branch and enjoy premium services and exclusive shopping privileges~ We also offer special time-limited offers in all branches. Do not miss the chance!

Cityplaza Branch: Shop 304B, 3/F, Cityplaza, Quarry Bay

Opening Hours: 10:00 am - 8:30pm

WhatsApp Inquiries & Bookings: 9672 1532


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